Posing #2

23/10/2013 1:29:00 pm

Here we go ladies, our 2nd instalment in posing to look hot in everyday photos....or something like that!

Last time we talked about the standing position.  Body angled with shoulder slightly towards camera, weight on back foot, throw the hip, bend the front knee (go onto the toe if in flat shoes).  This time we learn some extra tricks to show a better body shape and slim the upper arms.

Never let your arms hang lifeless at your sides. There is nothing flattering about an arm pushed against your side. To avoid pudgy arm syndrome, always have a bend in the elbow, then move the elbow away from the body slightly. Take notice of female news readers and look at how they hold their arms. Not a squished up tuck-shop arm between them!


Straight away you can see a nicer shape to the arm and body.  The arm adds to the "S" curve we talked about last time.  Instead of hands on the hips you could also discreetly hook your thumb into your back pocket or belt loop, or even put your arm around someone else in the picture. Just get that arm away from your body. 

Another trick is to gently place your hand on your thigh, relax your hand (fingers together and side of hand slightly towards the camera) and slide it up towards the hip a little (putting a bend in the elbow), then push your elbow away from your body slightly. Viola, transformation!   

The bent elbow combined with the arm away from the body, gives space between your arm and your body and will slim you down and show your shape.  


The clavicle is one of the most feminine parts of a woman. It's basically your collar bone.  If your clavicle is on show in a particular outfit, use it.  Add energy to your shoulder and accentuate your clavicle by pushing your shoulder forward but only in the tiniest of moves. Just enough to see that bone be accentuated.  It helps if your elbow isn't too far out to the side.  In the image above, Fiona's elbow is a little too far out to the side, she needs to push it backwards a little, more like the image below, but watch out for the "Tuck-Shop Arms Squish"!


Next lesson we will tackle chins and face angle.

Practise! Practise! Practise!